16 Jun 2014

what i learn

failure does, failure does make you a better, a wisser, a stronger person.

god doesn't give it easily to those who put less effort.

you know who will you depend on when you are in your down.

follow your heart. use your brain. lust and appetency sometimes guide you to the wrong path.

to love the one who never loves us is one of the most hurting feeling.

nothing beats parents' love.

god knows the best for me.

not all of people appreciate and want to know the processes. most of them only tend to see the results.

we can't deny that most of people get their first impressions for us by how do we look like, not what we have been through. ironic.

don't judge people. don't judge. people do have their own stories. they have their own reasons.

you have to control your own ego.

don't ever forget that people have feelings too. 

set targets. they will help you when you are about to out of the tracks.

this world is rude. full of mess. but god is always fair. 

don't ever waste your time, seriously, quote 'time you enjoy wasting is not wasted' is only suitable for certain conditions.

be responsible with every single responsibilities thats given to you. yes, even when it is just a little.

waktu terus memacu. 

nowadays, most of people show theirselves as what they want to be seen, not what they really are. how ironic. 

30 Mei 2014

a(May)zing May!

terimakasih tuhan telah memberikanku waktu sembilan belas tahun untukku hidup di dunia ini. terimakasih ya tuhan telah memberikanku pengalaman-pengalaman dan pelajaran berharga yang tidak semua orang bisa dapatkan. terimakasih ya tuhan telah mengirimkan banyak malaikat untukku berupa orang tua yang tak ada duanya, keluarga yang harmonis dan bahagia, teman-teman yang sangat baik dan menyenangkan, serta semua orang di hidupku yang selalu aku syukuri keberadaannya.

A birthday Girl's selfie on her 19th birthday, May 2nd 2014

dear amazing people, 

Sembilan Naga & Anak Kontrakkan.

thankyou for the midnight surprises! thankyou dengan tidak memberikku ceplokan telur which is-- kalian tahu aku nggak suka, TAPI mensubtitusikannya dengan adonan terasi+tepung+air yang sangat kental PLUS mandian air got langsung diambil dari got depan kosan PLUS hitam-hitam comberannya. terimakasih sudah bikin nangis karena kesel plus jijik, tapi kalian yang terbaik!

you guys always there when i need, you all guys, take the biggest part of making my college life becomes this beautiful. i love you guys.

My Man, Mochyogie

my suppa yumm mossstt deliciouso birthday cake from my man. happy girl, happy tummy, my tounge is dancing with this cake!

Thankyou sayang for always be the one who calls me in the middle of my birthday night.
 This is the FIFTH time we celebrate my birthday together, each year my birthday becomes more more more amazing with you. and THIS YEAR, you did SURPRISED me by visiting me in semarang even only for 3 hours meeting, only for seeing me blow the candles out as im gettin' older and giving me gifts you've bought. thankyou sayang, i do do really appreciate every single thing you do. I do appreciate your effort, took a train from jakarta,brought me gifts, from 4.00 AM, then arrived in Semarang at 3.00 PM then met me for 3 HOURS until 6.00 PM, then came back to jakarta to continue your bussinesses. even in your tight schedule, you did, you did spare your time only to make me smile and happy. im touched. i remembered what you said. "your happiness is my happiness", i love you and feel so lucky to have you, baby moch <3 nbsp="" p="">

waiting for the sun to set, in my college town, semarang, with our fave foods.. im so alive with you.

My Team, Networking Division

My Flufffyyy birthday cake from my awesome team!

meidinta rinda tania feels so lucky to have you all guys as my team. never thought that we could be as close as this, we could be as comfortable as this, we could make a suppa good work with our suppa togetherness! aku sangat sayang kalian, divisi jaringanku! sangat sayang!


Davintha Kos

thankyouu! My amazing&funny dorm friends! thankyou for waking me up in the middle of night then sang me a birthday song then gave me these sweet doughnuts! im so happy to have youuu all!

A wonderful gift may not be wrapped as you expect. thankyou everyone.

you know me soo well, guys! you know what i really need and what i often left behind in the plates washer! my warm hug is for you, amel&ami! lovvve! <3 i="">

thankyou sayang for this bag! i love this muuuccch that i use almost everyday to accompany me in campus!

thankyou gita for a handmade frames with awesome things inside! so surprised you left this thing in front of my room! suppa lovvve! <3 i="">

there are several life lessons that i learn in a year behind, when i was in my way going to my 19th birthday.. there are.. (continued in next post)

13 Apr 2014

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday  upi
Happy birthday  upi
Happy birthday
Happy birthday
Happy birthday upi

Happy birthday to my one and only brother, luthfi rinda irfanto. you turn to be 16 year old now.
i dont know how could time fly so fast,
as you getting older, the more mature you are, the more im proud to be your sister.
you prove to me that maturity doesnt depend on how old you are, you prove to me that, as the first and only son in our family, you prove that you could be wiser than me, could be more mature than me (sometimes) in the way of thinking. sometimes im amazed by the way you think, how could you as my younger brother could have such a good way of thinking.

do you remember when we were child? we often fought, beat each other, smashed each other, until the battle always ended up with me, crying, on the telephone, calling mama in the office and asked for the help because nothing beats your beating to me!

but as we get older, you protect me, even you always give and ask for advice to me and always get me remembered not to be out of line.

"jangan nakal lu mbak, nanti gue yang diminta pertanggung jawabannya di akhirat " you said.

and a thing i hate the most is, you always ask for advice to me but the conversation about your problems always ended up with your 'ke-sok-tahu-an'!!

you are the one who dare to warn me when im about to take wrong decisions.
"bego lu mbak" you said.

and you are the one who dare to say that i can do nothing. it hurttts meee.
"lu mah pinter pelajaran doang"

but sometimes,when i give you a wrong advice to you, to test you, you could filter it, sometimes im amazed because i think a boy in your age tend to break the rules

"gak boleh gitu mbak, gue takut, nanti gak berkah" you said.

one more thing that makes me impressed is, your leadership skill. you born to be a leader.i see that, you take your responsibility as a ketua osis and you are responsible with that. you could be active in many organizations but still have a good time management. im impressed.

today, is your birthday, i wish everything good for you, i always mention your name in my pray, i always pray to allah we could make mama and papa proud, see them happy because of us.
i always pray that you could be better than me, not to waste your time, not to make the same mistakes that i made. don't follow my bad path, im so sorry that as the first and only daughter, your elder sister, i  didnt give the best example for you, dont follow my bad things, follow my good thing even if it's not so many. i believe that you could do better than me,

Don't look back. be grateful with what you have, and what you achieved. god has the best plan for you. just because yesterday you failed to get to the best senior high school in town, and only could get the second best, doesn't mean your spirit stops. PROVE TO ME that you could be better than me. prove to me that you could get into university and major that you want. i always pray and always support you no matter what.

Happy 16th birthday Upi, i wish you very very best.

Love, your sister

12 Apr 2014



 --loving this song since senior high school and got no idea why this song could have a deep meaning in my life

Where does the sun go when I need his strong passion? 
And why does the moon never show her beautiful sights when I’m lonely
 Where have they all gone?
 Like a train that goes
 but doesn’t know where to stop
 Like going down 
with no one there to hold 
 Oh please come to me, show that you can see me
 Where I should stand and why I should stand? 
The light on my path shine for me Cause I’m lost and my way’s getting dark
 I need a simple drop of light to light me Then I can open my eyes and see


ya tuhan, jika ia bukanlah orang yang tepat, maka hilangkan perasaan ini, lalu tunjukkanlah aku, dan bawalah aku ke orang yang tepat.
jika ia adalah orang yang tepat, namun waktunya bukan sekaramg, hilangkanlah perasaan ini,kumohon ya tuhan, dan munculkanlah kembali di waktu yang tepat. agar aku bisa mempersiapkan diriku untuk menjadi orang yang tepat, untuk orang yang tepat dan di waktu yang tepat.
ya tuhanku, yang maha membolakbalikkan hati manusia, aku percaya akan takdirmu, tak pernah sekalipun diriku ragu, namun, apakah  ini pertanda aku harus bersabar atau berpindah halauan?
ya tuhan, aku takut memilih jalan yang salah sehingga ini berlangsung terlalu lama dan akhirnya menjadi sia sia.
tunjukkanlah aku yang mana yang benar, dan mana yang salah.
yang tepat, maupun tidak tepat.
apakah orang, waktu, atau keduanya.

Meidinta Rinda Tania,
Semarang, 13 April 2014.

kind of missing home

kind of missing ones far away from my side, i decided to write a post about the ones that i miss the most. they are my home. mama & papa. i have been living far away from my home for about 2 years, and the 'sangat kangen' feeling still always haunt me most of the time.

mama dan papa.
there are so many things i learn from them. my blood, my character, my attitude, the color of my hair, the shape of my face, the brightness of my skin are things given by them.
 mereka adalah orang tua terhebat, bukan karena mereka siapa dan mereka mempunyai apa, tetapi karena apa yang mereka turunkan pada diriku.

 mama dan papa menikah 20 tahun yang lalu, tahun 1994. setahun kemudian, tahun 1995, aku lahir sebagai anak perempuan pertama dan sebagai cucu pertama dari keluarga pihak mama.

meidinta rinda tania.
when i was child, i often asked my parents what's the meaning of my name
then my father answered ' mei itu karena kamu di lahirkan di bulan mei, dinta artinya anak perempuan yang turun dari surga, rinda itu singkatan nama papa mama, dan tania itu mama dan papa dulu bulan madu di octania,amerika '

before they married, my mom used to own a boyfriend.they through the relationship for over than 10 years! and i don't know the reason why they broke the relationship up. one thing that i know is my grandmother didn't agree with this guy and if they were married then, there would be no me haha. then after that, friend of mother's introduce a cool guy to my mom. after that introduction thingy, they went on a relationship and my grandmother had a chance to meet this cool guy, somehow, my grandparents felt that 'click' feeling after met this cool guy. this cool guy didn't want to waste the time and voila! only for having relationship about 4 months, this cool guy proposed my mother. yap! that cool guy is my father!
In 1994, they were married and a year after that, a beautiful cute baby named dinta was born
having 10 years differences in age seems like no serious thingy for them, they kept going into a harmony.
having 10 years differences in age seems like .... and compliting each other.
as a daughter, i felt that way. sometimes they had a different side of view, they
they were born different and they grew up with different way, different education,  different age. and for this thing, i have to be agree that the differences do complete us.
mamaku dilahirkan di jakarta, besar di jakarta, dan dididik oleh nenek dan datuk ku dengan cara sumatera. waktu kecil mamaku sering di pukul menggunakan rotan oleh datukku jika dia tidak shalat dan mengaji. kata nenek, mamaku termasuk golongan orang yang rajin dan tekun, walaupun pas lulus kuliah ipk nya cuma 2 koma sekian hahaha.
beda lagi papaku, papaku dilahirkan di tanah jawa, besar di jawa tengah, di didik dengan cara jawa. lembut, penuh kesabaran, prihatin, halus, itulah papaku.

mama adalah sarjana ekonomi, sementara papaku adalah sarjana teknik dan ekonomi. mungkin karena faktor itu mama adalah orang yang lebih luwes, gampang bergaul, suka tertawa, ceria.
sementara papa orang yang serius, dan bagi papa pendidikan adalah yang utama.

mereka saling melengkapi,
 kalo urusan agama, mama nomor satu nya. mama selalu kasih 'wejangan' untuk anak-anaknya, mama yang selalu ingetin dan selalu mewantiwanti aku untuk jangan pernah sekalipun meninggalkan shalat apapun kondisinya. mama yang selalu mengingatkan aku untuk jangan putus membaca al-waqiah setiap hari, mama yang selalu menasihatiku untuk puasa senin kamis plus duha jika ingin  berhasil dan di ridhai. aku selalu ingat setiap perbincanganku dengan mama, baik itu ketika di kamar, di mobil, ataupun di cafe sambil menikmati makan bersama. tiap mama telfon dia suka bilang "jangan lupa bla bla bla ya mba...". kalo urusan beli apa apa juga larinya ke mama soalnya papa akan 'accept' permintaan ku kalo sudah ada 'agreement' dari mama hahaha, dari SMP ini selalu menjadi the best way to get something. seperti itulah orangtuaku, mereka memberiku apa apa tidak dengan gampang dan begitu saja, selalu harus ada prinsio "take and give" ketika mereka memberikanku sesuatu. itu adalah pelajaran hidup bagi diriku kalau kita mau mendapatkan sesuatu, kita harus berusaha terlebih dahulu, there is no free lunch.

bedalagi sama papa, untuk papa, pendidikan yang utama. hal yang paling sering terjadi dikeluargaku adalah cekcok tentang masalah liburan. mama, yang hobi nya travelling, terkadang suka merelakan 'waktu sekolah/waktu kuliah' ku untuk liburan, aku, yang terturun olehnya 'darah' travelling itu, tentu saja lebih memilih untuk ikut liburan! sementara papa selalu bilang pendidikan yang utama. dari SD bahkan, untuk bolos sehari saja kalau alasannya bukan sakit, pasti gak boleh sama papa!
papa selalu bilang, "mbak, kamu tuh sekarang waktu nya sekolah dulu. pendidikan itu yang utama, nanti kalau udah kerja  mau jalan jalan kemana saja bisa"
jadi papa dan mama suka punya jalan fikir yang berbeda, tetapi mereka tetap satu, dan akhirnya keputusan yang terbaiklah yang dipilih.

"mbak, kamu tuh sekarang waktu nya sekolah dulu. pendidikan itu yang utama, nanti kalau udah kerja  mau jalan jalan kemana saja bisa" 

kata kata ini juga sering dibilang oleh mbah kakung (kakek) ku kepada papaku selagi papaku masih kecil, papa sering menceritakan ini berulang kali baik ketika kita berada didalam mobil, dikamar, diwaktu kita bersama

" dan ternyata kata kata mbah kakung benar mbak, papa bisa keliling dunia sesudah kerja, dan itu gratis, dibiayai kantor papa, bahkan papa bisa ajak mama kamu kemana mana."

cerita yang sering di ceritakan oleh papaku berkali kali juga ini:

"kamu tau gak mbak? dulu waktu papa kecil, papa pingin banget punya mobil, terus papa suka banget duduk di bawah meja, papa pejamkan mata papa, lalu papa bayangin kalo papa lagi didalam mobil terus papa pura pura nyetir, pake kardus, pura pura ngerem, tau tau nya sekarang bisa punya mobil beneran"

cerita itu mungkin sederhana, tapi papaku menceritakan itu berulang kali dari aku kecil TK, sampe aku kuliah sekarang, papa cerita itu berkali kali, dan aku mulai sadar sekarang atas value nya. cerita sederhana namun maknanya dalam. maksud papaku adalah,
jangan takut untuk bermimpi. bermimpilah. bayangkanlah. usahakanlah, sampai semuanya terwujud dan kamu akan bangga ketika melihat kebelakang.

papa juga selalu mengajarkan

"kalau kamu mau berhasil, kamu harus menjadi orang prihatin dulu. sudah banyak  buktinya"
dan nilai ini benar benar di terapkan papa dalam mendidikku.

lalu waktu kecil aku suka bertanya,
"cita cita papa apa? cita cita papa tercapai gak?"

"tercapai. papa mau jadi insinyur dan bla bla bla.."

"kok papa gak kerja disini aja sih, disini kan bla bla bla"

"nanti kamu tahu sendiri, kalau kebahagiaan itu tidak hanya diukur melalui materi"
dan kata kata itu yang kadang baru bisa aku 'tangkap' setelah aku beranjak dewasa.

intinya, aku sangat beruntung sekali dan bangga mempunyai papa dan mama yang sangat melengkapi, mendukungku, lebih dari cukup, lebih dari baik, lebih dari seru, lebih dari apapun.
 aku menghormati mereka seperti aku menghormati orangtua, berbicara dan bercerita kepada mereka selayaknya teman, dan menyayangi mereka lebih dari apapun didunia ini.